Who we help

  • Toddlers

    The Toddler Years (12 months to 3 years old) are a crucial time in a child’s development. Research shows that early identification and treatment of communication delays can greatly improve a child’s success in school and life. Rising Stars specializes in helping toddlers develop critical communication skills.

  • Preschoolers

    The Preschool Years (ages 3 to 5 years old) are an important time for your child to develop speech, language, and social skills. While not every preschooler masters the same skills at the same age, there are warning signs that a child may have difficulty acquiring important speech, language, learning, or social skills. Rising Stars specializes in helping preschoolers with their speech, listening skills, receptive and expressive language skills, pre-reading skills, and social skills to appropriately communicate with their peers.

  • Kindergarten to Middle School

    The signs of academic struggles can be obvious with children who are between Kindergarten and Middle School (ages 5 to 13 years old). If your child is struggling with reading, writing, communicating, listening, and/or answering questions in class, Rising Stars can help you. While learning these academic skills are crucial, it is equally important for students to develop the social skills necessary to work in a group and maintain friendships.

  • Social Thinking Groups

    Social Thinking Groups (for children between 5 to 13 years old): Based on the work of Michelle Garcia Winner and other experts in the field of social cognition (www.socialthinking.com), Rising Stars will bring students of similar ages and abilities together to work on interacting appropriately with peers, thinking about others, “fitting in”, and understanding other people’s thoughts and feelings (perspective taking).

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